Alpha Full Movie Synopsis:
Alpha is an upcoming American historical drama adventure film which has been directed by Albert Hughes. The movie is set in the historic period of about 20,000 years ago in Europe when the Upper Paleolithic era goes away from the unusual course. It revolves around the efforts and struggles of a young man who gets separated from his troupe while on an expedition of hunting. He is left injured and in pain, when he awakes he finds himself all alone in the wilderness of canines. On the journey he befriends a dangerous wolf, they must escape and search their way through the odd place in order to reach back home before the life-threatening winter arrives.
Alpha, 6.7 out of 10 based on 7 ratings
Director: Albert Hughes
Writer: Daniele Sebastian Wiedenhaupt
StarCast: Jens Hultén, Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Leonor Varela, Mercedes de la Zerda, Natassia Malthe
Producer: Andrew Rona
Company: California, Cougar Buttes, Lucerne Valley
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