Hamilton Full Movie Synopsis:
Hamilton is an American musical film, the story of which takes its inspiration from Ron Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton (2014). The movie features the live recordings of the Broadway Musical in 2015. It follows an orphaned immigrant Alexander Hamilton’s life and career who hails from the Caribbean island of Nevis. The first part starts in 1776, with Hamilton arriving to the NYC, serving General George Washington as an aide-de-camp during the American Revolution, and marrying Eliza Schuyler. The second part tells the tale of his postwar life, including a new job, a new affair, and death. Walk through the life of Hamilton through this enticing musical.
Hamilton, 5.5 out of 10 based on 2 ratings
Director: Thomas Kail
Writer: Lin-Manuel Miranda
StarCast: Chris Jackson, Daveed Diggs, Jasmine Cephas Jones, Jonathan Groff, Leslie Odom Jr., Lin-Manuel Miranda, Okieriete Onaodowan, Renée Elise Goldsberry
Producer: Jill Furman
Company: 5000 Broadway Productions, Nevis Productions, Walt Disney Pictures
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