Moon Knight Full Movie Synopsis:
Moon Knight is an American action, adventure, drama TV series and the sixth in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe). The story is revolved around former U.S. marine, Steven Grant. He discovers that he’s suffering from dissociative identity disorder sharing his body with Mar Spector, a mercenary. He also learns about owning Egyptian Moon God’s powers which he finds to be a curse and a blessing to his already difficult life. While enemies of Marc/Steven are converging upon them, both must understand and unravel the want complex identity before stepping into a deadly mystery involving the powerful Egyptian gods. How will Marc/Steven deal with all this?
Moon Knight, 7.1 out of 10 based on 21 ratings
Director: Aaron Moorhead, Justin Benson, Mohamed Diab
Writer: Don Perlin, Doug Moench, Jeremy Slater
StarCast: Ann Akinjirin, Díana Bermudez, Ethan Hawke, F. Murray Abraham, Fernanda Andrade, Gaspard Ulliel, May Calamawy, Oscar Isaac, Sofia Danu
Producer: Grant Curtis, Louis D'Esposito, Victoria Alonso
Company: Marvel Studios
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