The Dissident Full Movie Synopsis:
The Dissident is an American documentary film covering the untold story of a world-shaking crime, the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Jamal was a journalist at Washington Post who went missing after visiting the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul for gathering paperwork to marry his fiancé. Soon after, his fiancé started investigating the case and found some shocking truths about his death. While speculations rose around his death inside the consulate office, things about a well-drafted murder plan also came to the limelight. One of the strongest reasons stated for his murder was Jamal turning into a dissident. Walkthrough the events of the crime as they happened in Istanbul and the world.
The Dissident, 8.7 out of 10 based on 6 ratings
Director: Bryan Fogel
Writer: Bryan Fogel, Mark Monroe
StarCast: Abdulhamit Gul, Anthony J. Ferrante, David Ignatius, Fahrettin Altun, Hatice Cengiz, John O. Brennan, Omar Abdulaziz
Producer: Bryan Fogel
Company: Diamond Docs, Human Rights Foundation, Orwell Productions
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