The Lodgers Full Movie Synopsis:
The Lodgers is an Irish horror mystery set in the period of 1920. The movie tells the story of two Irish twins, Rachel and Edward. They both witnesses a strange existence in their family place, each and every night their house becomes a home of evil presence which bound the twins by three rules; first they should be in their bed by midnight, second, they will not allow any outsider pass the threshold, and the last, if any of the twin ever tries to escape from there, life of the other will be at risk. The twins are bound to live a haunted life there.
The Lodgers, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
Director: Brian O'Malley
Writer: David Turpin
StarCast: Bill Milner, Charlotte Vega, David Bradley, Eugene Simon, Moe Dunford
Producer: Julianne Forde
Company: Avatar Audio Post Production, Bowsie Workshop, Epic Pictures Group
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