Bell Bottom (2021) Online

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  Release Date: Jul 19, 2021
  Runtime: 130 min
  MPAA Ratings:
  Genre: ,
  User Ratings:
GD Star Rating

Bell Bottom Full Movie Synopsis:

Bell Bottom is an Indian action spy thriller movie based on real incidents of flight hijacking that took place in the ‘80s. When the 5th hijack of an Indian Airlines flight happens (in 7 years) in 1984, then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi is again carried away to kickstart negotiations. But this time, RAW agent Bell Bottom aka Anshul Malhotra asks her not to negotiate and prepares a plan to release the passengers. Since hijackers took the plane to Pakistan, like every previous incident, and Pakistani authorities were seeking permission from the Indian government to start negotiations, how will Bell Bottom proceed with his rescue plan?

Bell Bottom, 9.0 out of 10 based on 30 ratings

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