Dragon Ball Super: Broly Full Movie Synopsis:
Dragon Ball Super: Broly is a Japanese anime science fantasy martial arts film that depicts a story that follows the Dragon Ball Super’s Universal Survival Saga. While the earth is at peace after the Tournament of Power, the series protagonists Goku & Vegeta encounter a new Saiyan, Broly. While all the Sayians were believed to be wiped out with the destruction of Planet Vegeta, the appearance of Broly raises a new, unsolved mystery tamilrockers . The movie also depicts a connection of the Frieza’s army alongside revealing more about the history of Saiyans. The clash between 3 Saiyans, having followed completely different destinies, results in a stupendous battle.
Dragon Ball Super: Broly, 8.0 out of 10 based on 350 ratings
Director: Tatsuya Nagamine
Writer: Akira Toriyama
StarCast: Christopher Sabat, Dameon Clarke, Jason Douglas, Masako Nozawa, Monica Rial, Sean Schemmel, Vic Mignogna
Company: Fox International Productions, Shueisha, Toei
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