Hawkeye Full Movie Synopsis:
Hawkeye is an American superhero TV mini-series based on the character of the same name. This is MCU’s fifth series to establish continuity in the franchise after the events of Avengers: Endgame. One year has passed since the events of the Endgame happened and Clint Barton is spending a good time with his family. However, just before he leaves to reunite with his family for Christmas, Ronin’s appearance troubles the situation. His enemies from the time he used to work as Ronin appear after Kate Bishop’s involvement. Now, Clint Barton and Kate Bishop must work together as the Hawkeye duo to confront and clear the enemies.
Hawkeye, 6.7 out of 10 based on 13 ratings
Director: Bert, Bertie, Rhys Thomas
Writer: Don Heck, Jonathan Igla, Katrina Mathewson, Stan Lee, Tanner Bean
StarCast: Alaqua Cox, Aleks Paunovic, Ava Russo, Fra Fee, Hailee Steinfeld, Jeremy Renner, Linda Cardellini, Piotr Adamczyk, Tony Dalton, Vera Farmiga
Producer: Elisa Lomnitz Climent, Jonathan Igla, Kevin Feige, Kim De Simone, Louis D'Esposito, Rhys Thomas, Trinh Tran, Victoria Alonso
Company: Marvel Studios, Walt Disney Pictures
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