Slender Man Full Movie Synopsis:
Slender Man is an upcoming American supernatural horror movie which has been directed by Sylvain White and it stars Joey King, Julia Goldani Telles, Annalise Basso and Javier Botet. The movie is based on the novel Slender Man which was penned down by Eric Knudsen. The horrific character is a tall, thin Slender Man with a very long arms and his face isn’t featured. The people are influenced by the thought that he is one who is responsible for all the stalking, kidnapping and murders that has been happening on every other day.
Slender Man, 6.5 out of 10 based on 2 ratings
Director: Sylvain White
Writer: David Birke, Victor Surge
StarCast: Alex Fitzalan, Annalise Basso, Jaz Sinclair, Joey King, Julia Goldani Telles, Taylor Richardson
Producer: Robyn Meisinger, William Sherak
Company: Madhouse Entertainment, Mythology Entertainment
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