“South Park” is a satirical animated TV series centered around the misadventures of four foul-mouthed boys—Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, and Kenny McCormick—in the fictional Colorado town of South Park. Created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the show humorously explores contemporary social, political, and cultural issues through the lens of irreverent and often crude humor. Each episode tackles a different topic, ranging from pop culture phenomena to controversial subjects, with a mix of slapstick comedy and biting satire. The boys’ escapades often lead to absurd and outrageous scenarios, involving eccentric townsfolk, recurring characters, and outrageous parodies. The show is known for pushing boundaries and challenging conventions while providing commentary on real-world events. “South Park” has gained a reputation for its controversial and boundary-pushing content, making it a cultural touchstone for over two decades.