The King’s Man Full Movie Synopsis:
The King’s Man is an American spy action-comedy movie based on “The Secret Service” comic book by Dave Gibbons and Mark Millar. Being the third part of the Kingsman movie series, its plot brings a prequel to the first two parts, focusing on the birth of the Kingsman agency. The criminal masterminds and worst tyrants of the world join hands to wipe out millions across the globe by plotting a war. However, one man decides to stand against the cabal and prevent nations from slaughtering each other while some criminals promote war for personal motives. Walkthrough how Orlando raises a team to fight against evil and prevent the war.
The King's Man, 7.1 out of 10 based on 13 ratings
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Writer: Karl Gajdusek, Matthew Vaughn
StarCast: Alexander Shaw, Alexandra Maria Lara, Bevan Viljoen, Charles Dance, Djimon Hounsou, Matthew Goode, Peter York, Ralph Fiennes, Shaun McKee
Producer: Adam Bohling
Company: 20th Century Studios, Marv Films, Marv Studios
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