The Lion King Full Movie Synopsis:
The Lion King is an American musical drama film and comes as a photorealistic computer-animated remake of the 1994-film of the same name with traditional animations. The story follows Simba, son of King Mufasa of the Pride Lands on the plains of Africa. While Simba has hope in his heart to follow his father’s footsteps, his uncle has a different plan for him. Scar, Mufasa’s brother plans a betrayal against his brother to take over the position of the king. Scar pushes Simba to exile where he meets Pumbaa & Timon, who must work on rebuilding himself to take back his rightful position with an alliance.
The Lion King, 7.9 out of 10 based on 64 ratings
Director: Jon Favreau
Writer: Brenda Chapman, Jeff Nathanson
StarCast: Alfre Woodard, Billy Eichner, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Donald Glover, James Earl Jones, John Kani, Keegan-Michael Key, Seth Rogen
Producer: Jon Favreau
Company: Fairview Entertainment, Walt Disney Pictures
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