The Northman Full Movie Synopsis:
The Northman is American historical fiction, adventure, and drama movie. It follows Prince Amleth, who was on the edge of becoming a man when his uncle brutally killed his father. Now, after 2 decades, Amleth is discovered by the Viking band and gets raised as a berserker. After an attack on the land, he encounters Seeress in the Svetovit temple. He undertakes a mission to kill his uncle and revenge for his father’s death. He also plans to save his mother who was kidnapped by his uncle. Will he succeed in his revenge and rescue mission? Watch what happens in the climax.
The Northman, 6.0 out of 10 based on 7 ratings
Director: Robert Eggers
Writer: Robert Eggers, Sjón
StarCast: Alexander Skarsgård, Anya Taylor-Joy, Claes Bang, Eldar Skar, Elliott Rose, Ethan Hawke, Gustav Lindh, Nicole Kidman, Phill Martin, Willem Dafoe
Producer: Lars Knudsen, Mark Huffam, Robert Eggers
Company: Focus Features, New Regency Productions, Perfect World Pictures
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