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Brooklyn Nine Nine is an American police sitcom being aired on Fox. The creative arts Emmy winner sitcom follows the story of the NYPD in Brooklyn. The newly appointed captain Ray Holt and his co worker’s antics are the driving force of the story. There are different wierd characters which frequently feature in every other episode. There is a police officer who wears his emotions on his sleeves. Then there is one who is kind of laidback and carefree in attitude and gets results. The situational comedy is one of its kind and the quirkiness of the characters is insane.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
Director: Dean Holland, Michael McDonald
Writer: Daniel J. Goor, Michael Schur
StarCast: Andre Braugher, Andy Samberg, Chelsea Peretti, Joe Lo Truglio, Terry Crews
Producer: Andy Samberg, Daniel J. Goor, David Miner
Company: 3 Arts Entertainment, Dr. Goor Productions, Fremulon
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