Abominable Full Movie Synopsis:
Abominable is a computer-animated adventure film that follows a teenage girl named Yi who goes on a mission to help a young Yeti. During a playtime on her apartment building’s rooftop with her friends Peng and Jin, Yi encounters Yeti. They give the name Everest to the magical creature and start their journey to help him reunite with his family, which is at Earth’s highest point. However, the journey isn’t as easy as it seems at the beginning with 2 roadblocks, including the wealthy man Burnish and zoologist Dr. Zara who are willing to capturing Yeti for their benefits. Can they tackle both to succeed in their mission?
Abominable, 9.7 out of 10 based on 3 ratings
Director: Jill Culton, Todd Wilderman
Writer: Jill Culton
StarCast: Albert Tsai, Eddie Izzard, hloe Bennet, Joseph Izzo, Sarah Paulson, Tenzing Norgay Trainor, Tsai Chin
Producer: Peilin Chou, Suzanne Buirgy
Company: DreamWorks Animation, Pearl Studio
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