Captain Marvel Full Movie Synopsis:
Captain Marvel is an American superhero film based on the character of Carol Danvers from the Marvel Comics and forms the 21st instalment of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Set in the era of 1995, the movie follows the rise of Danvers as Captain Marvel amidst a galactic conflict between 2 alien worlds surrounding the Earth. Captain joins an elite Kree military team named Starforce to save the earth from the mayhem only to return home with a series of questions about her identity and past. Watch the movie to discover how a former US Air Force pilot goes on to become one of the mightiest heroes of the galaxy.
Captain Marvel, 7.2 out of 10 based on 34 ratings
Director: Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck
Writer: Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck
StarCast: Annette Bening, Ben Mendelsohn, Brie Larson, Clark Gregg, Jude Law, Lashana Lynch, Samuel L. Jackson
Producer: Kevin Feige
Company: Marvel Studios
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