Shazam! Full Movie Synopsis:
Shazam is an American superhero film and the 7th instalment of DCEU (DC Extended Universe) that revolves around a teenage boy named Billy Batson who can transform into an adult superhero. However, being a kid inside a godlike heroic adult, the new superhero reveals doing things that a teen with superpowers would do, like having fun and trying to show off. From skipping school and tests to try to fly, x-ray vision, and shooting rays from hands, Shazam tests the limits of his superpower abilities with a child’s joyful recklessness. But when a deadly evil force creates mayhem, he must master his powers to fight and save the world.
Shazam!, 6.5 out of 10 based on 10 ratings
Director: David F. Sandberg
Writer: Henry Gayden
StarCast: Asher Angel, Djimon Hounsou, Grace Fulton, Jack Dylan Grazer, Mark Strong, Marta Milans, Zachary Levi
Producer: Peter Safran
Company: DC Comics, DC Entertainment, Warner Bros.
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