Spinning Man Full Movie Synopsis:
Spinning Man is an upcoming American suspense thriller film directed by Simon Kaijser. Based on a novel of the same name by George Harrar, this movie features Pierce Brosnan, Guy Pearce and Minnie Driver in the lead roles. The plot of the movie follows a highly respected professor whose world gets turned upside down when a girl goes missing and he ends up becoming the prime suspect in the case. Evan Birch is a family man and a Philosophy professor who is popular for his charming ways. When his female student Joyce goes missing, he becomes the chief target of a police detective, after crucial evidence is found in his belongings.
Spinning Man, 9.3 out of 10 based on 4 ratings
Director: Simon Kaijser
Writer: George Harrar, Matthew Aldrich
StarCast: Alexandra Shipp, Guy Pearce, Minnie Driver, Odeya Rush, Pierce Brosnan
Producer: Keith Arnold
Company: Chimney, Irish DreamTime
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