Yesterday Full Movie Synopsis:
Yesterday is a British romantic comedy film starring Himesh Patel as Jack Malik, who is a struggling singer and songwriter from Lowestoft. After Jack meets an accident, he finds out that no one except him remembers The Beatles in this world while singing one of their songs ‘Yesterday’ to his friends. With this in mind, the struggling musician starts performing on the songs of The Beatles while claiming those to be his own to gain undue advantage and fame. However, before one of his concerts, 2 fans approached him stating that they know about the plagiarism of his songs. Will Jack admit his mistake or fight to retain the fake fame?
Yesterday, 1.3 out of 10 based on 3 ratings
Director: Danny Boyle
Writer: Jack Barth, Richard Curtis
StarCast: Ellise Chappell, Harry Michell, Himesh Patel, Joel Fry, Lily James, Meera Syal, Sophia Di Martino, Vincent Franklin
Producer: Bernard Bellew, Tim Bevan
Company: Decibel Films, Etalon Film, Perfect World Pictures
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