Chappaquiddick Full Movie Synopsis:
Chappaquiddick is an upcoming American docu-drama film which happens to look closely at the infamous event that transpired in the year 1969. The film digs deep into the aftermath of the car accident, which somehow threatened the political career of Ted Kennedy, who was involved in the incident directly. Although it was a highly publicized accident back when it happened, but most of the public still remained unaware about the whole truth behind the dreaded car accident, which claimed the life of Mary Jo Kopechne, a very young campaign strategist. The film has already been screened in several film festivals around the world, to some heavy praises.
Director: John Curran
Writer: Andrew Logan, Taylor Allen
StarCast: Bruce Dern, Clancy Brown, Ed Helms, Jason Clarke, Jim Gaffigan, Kate Mara, Sarah Elizabeth Mitchell, Thomas Kee
Producer: Chris Cowles, Chris Fenton, Kyle Convissar, Mark Ciardi, Tara Finegan
Company: Apex Entertainment, Chimney, DMG Entertainment, Film i Väst
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