The Fate of the Furious Full Movie Synopsis:
Fate of the Furious is an upcoming American action drama film which will carry forward the massively popular franchise. The film will be continuation of the previous instalment as Dom and the team has decided to change their paths and lead a normal life. But the ghosts of their past wouldn’t let them do it. Dom finds himself in the depths of crime again as a mysterious women enters his life. The rest of the crew then decides to bring back the old Dom back and manipulate him to change his path but everything seems to be going further down.
The Fate of the Furious, 6.9 out of 10 based on 13 ratings
Director: F. Gary Gray
Writer: Chris Morgan, Gary Scott Thompson
StarCast: Charlize Theron, Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham, Scott Eastwood, Vin Diesel
Producer: Chris Morgan, Hiram Garcia, Michael Fottrell
Company: Itaca Films, One Race Films, Original Film, Toho-Towa, United International Pictures (UIP)
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